It's the middle of July, and the middle of winter in the southern hemisphere, and probably the nicest time in Brisbane. For a change it's not too hot, and maybe even a bit cool. We've had some big changes, a call to the farm phone (206-202-GOAT) an...
A look at our trip in Noumea and some of the fun we had there.'...
Wow, forgot to do the blog post before we left. Sitting in the hostel in Noumea doing it. How cool is that? Hope you enjoy this weeks show....
Hello? Anyone else out there? We're getting back into the swing of things again, and this is a quick catch up show....
Happy New Year everyone! We have a some big news this week, so make sure you tune in for some fun. We talk about Christmas in the land down under, and the heat of summer, and what to do when that summer time rain comes....
For the first time I've heard of Movember from the US, so it's gone full circle. Do you know it started in Australia? Well that's a good topic for this month, and we look back at the October and all the wonderful adventures we got up to down undah....
A look back at 2 years in Australia, and a look at October and Movember. Fixed: Put up the wrong show mp3 file, pointed at show #265 in a new post (so readers will see a new one) :)...
We have 3 great farm phones for this show, with status updates from Hay River, NT and the swamps of northern Illinois. We then talk about the surprise we got when we went to the Neurum Creek Folk Festival, and at the tomato plants growing in the fre...
Call the new farm phone at +1-484-462-GOAT! Well this is a rather odd combination! Only in Queensland? We have a look at our new garden, and the ski trip to New Zealand....
Two great calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT from some long time listeners, with some great information and updates. So this weeks show spans all the way from Hay River, NWT to Australia. (about 22,000km )...
We have a great show this week, the farm phone was good and active and we have a great question about moving from Illinois to Perth. If you have anything to add, callt he Farm phone at +1-206-202-GOAT We also talk about camping up on the Sunny Coast...
We had a great weekend at a bluegrass convention, and we talk about our experiences....
Well, tax time is a little different here, so this week we talk about taxes, and beer. Two fun topics to mix together....
We have a good fun show this week looking at how Aussies have made burgers their own. A short fun show!...
Blurp, blurp, welcome back for another week! This week was talk about differences with breakfast and strange and wonderful burbling. Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
Hey guys, sorry for the late show, but we have a good one this week. We went on a farm tour with Food Connect, the CSA we get fruit and veggies from. I took some pictures too....
This week we have a great call to 206-202-GOAT, so we talk about Supers, then we talk about camping and egg rings. It's short crazy show on a late Thursday night....
We had 4 great calls to +1-206-202-GOAT this week. Long time listeners call up, and learn about moves, changes, Brazilian bonuses, etc. We then talk about our extra long weekend, and australian holidays in general....
Welcome to a very different show! We're going to take the show in a different direction. Make sure to tune in for the changes....
This week we look at some of things we can do now that we don't have a farm, and what is harder, and what's easier. We also look at our fall garden and what the plans are for the winter garden. Call the farm phone with your thoughts at 206-202-GOAT....
We're both back in town, and we we're back on the air. I hope you all enjoyed the break! We need calls to the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT....
We're back after a couple of week break due to travel. It's a great show, good call to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT, and trip stories! Sadly the next one will be in a couple of weeks due to Misty's going to her moms, but it's all good....
Wow, it feels like we just finished talking about floods, and now we're talking about Tropical Cyclone Yasi. Seems like Queensland can't catch a break. We also talk about delicata squash and fun things to plant. Call the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT....
Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT with your seed and plans for the new garden. We have a look at Australian driving habbits and then Australian of the Year. It's our Australia Day podcast of course....
The water have receded, so we talk about Brisbane flooding. We've had a couple great calls to the farm phone as well. So make sure you call for next week at 206-202-GOAT. Seed catalogues are arriving...what are your plans for the new year? ABC ha...
This week have great calls to the farm phone this week, then we look at the all the rain and more rain we've received and how it's flooded affected Queensland....
First podcast of the year! Welcome to a new show where we go from knee deep water to knee deep snow to heat then volunteer tomatoes. We also have follow up suggestions for Paramedic Nick and his buck dilemma....
I hope you had a good Christmas! We talk about all the rain we've had, it's really crazy. Then we have a look at our food box, and then Christmas day down under. We need your calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT...
The GFL site upgrade is complete! Please let us know what you think!...
I'm going to attempt to upgrade the site today. I'm doing backups of everything. Part of the process involves disabling all the plugins and switching to the default theme, so the site may seem weird for a while. Bear with me! --Misty...
We have 3 great calls this show, Paramedic Nick is back from his honey moon too! We play some audio and talk about show 46, and goats, and other farming topics....
We have three great calls this week, three! Looking for info on heating houses with other methods other than gas/oil. Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
Well it's been 2 years since our last gobblecast. So how's it different down under? Well it isn't a holiday here. Hope everything had a good Thanksgiving in the US....
We try a new section out this week, let us know how it works. We have 2 great farm phone calls this week, a good round up section, and we just have fun. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
We have a mixed bag this week! Three great calls, and a good slew of topics. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
Well ok it's not 238 like Misty says in the intro, and that's my fault. The show is a bit scattered this week, we talk about freezing milt, the graden, the herd of worms, and finally about what's going on and a year since we started moving here....
We need your calls to the farm phone!!! 206-202-GOAT! We have some recipes this week for all the winter squash and pumpkins that are laying around. Call the farm phone and add your thoughts!...
We have a laugh this week, at ourselves mainly. We have a relaxed show today that varies from hand card, to honey mooning to drum carders, and even tomato plants and a worm herd update. Oh, and why does Andrew keep bringing junk home from the sea f...
We have a great show for you this week! We have 3 great calls from everyone you live, Ellen, Linda and Susan with a great explanation of Australian Rules Football, or footy. What a show!...
Show 232 has a little bit of everything, from Australian weather to homemade sushi, to easy beer brewing....
Post for show 231 is missing? Well here it is now....
We have 3 great calls this week to 206-202-GOAT. We then compare public media in the US to Austrlia....
We have 4 amazing calls to the farm phone this week, including a call from Tom! We then have a look at how the worm bin is doing. The one good thing we've done out back!...
A great show with 4 calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. We then cover the CSA and strange things that live down here....
We didn't have any Farm Phone calls this week! Make sure to call at 206-202-GOAT for next week. This week we take a bit of a look back at what we miss from places we've lived....
Our 2 week break is over, and we're back. We have australian election coverage, trip news, great uses for parsley, astronomy info, and all sorts of great stuff! Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
In the last show for 2 weeks we have some great calls to the farm phone, and then we talk about the Aussie election and take a first look at the beer we brewed last month. If you learned lessons gardening call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
Well ok we missed a week, and we'll miss a couple more in August, but we're back and we have a great section on spinning wheels this week! Enjoy! And call the farm phone 206-202-GOAT!...
Well, something new this week. We got an aussie beer kit. We talk about it for the life section. They do things a little differently here, go figure. Call the farm phone 206-202-GOAT....
Show notes to follow!...
If you wonder where Barncast 220 is, our numbering got off by one. Sorry! This week is the first show of a couple about growing your own food and dealing with pests in the city. We had a great call about crows, and we walk about bush turkeys. Checko...
Next week we'll actually have a normal show with gardening/farming topics, but this week it's late, and we have some great farm phone calls, so we do a lazy show. I hope you enjoy it! Merlin sent us this link for Chocolate Buiscuits! This is no jok...
We have 2 people call in with some great calls this week. We're just back from a long weekend get away so we just go with those. Hope you enjoy the calls and comments this week! Remember to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
A fun show this week with some great calls, good chatter. We cover some geek section that we've never done before. We also have news on the pots, shrooms and CSA. Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
Yay, we got the show done Sunday and we had fun. What a show, we had a call to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT, we talk about all the gardening and a some big news too!...
All sorts of details this week, we found the beer, we look over our CSA box, etc. A fun show that's all over the place. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
A fun week with a lot of great calls to 206-202-GOAT!...
It feels just liek the other day we did a show! We're back on schedule with shows in Sunday. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT...
Better late than never! Here we go, a little long, but I hope you think it's worth it!...
We have another great show for you this week with 4 fantastic farm phone calls to 206-202-GOAT. We talk about everything from food prices, to growing chillies in pots to ANZAC day and dragon fruit!...
Welcome to a new show! No drop bears this week, but we have some bangers and mash instead. Enjoy! Make sure to call the farm phone at +1-206-202-GOAT....
Well, we screwed up the number again this week. Oh well. We have a fun show looking at prices for groceries, transport, and how the CSA has worked out. Make sure to call the farm phone! 206-202-GOAT. Click on the prices of our shopping list by cl...
Well, Misty's putting together the post this week, so if anything is wrong with it, it's totally her fault! In the show this week, we talk about our Easter trip to rural southwest Queensland. We took a road trip to Miles, Roma, and St. George, among ...
This week we cover everything from CSA's to dangerous Australian animals, to our road trip over Easter. Enjoy the show over the long weekend!...
We got our first box of food from food connect this week so we have a look at what's in it and our initial impressions. What are your CSA experiences? Call the Farm Phone at 206-202-GOAT....
We have 5 great calls this week, we talk changing from growing our own to buying food in Australia, and then onto Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). We also have an Australian farm phone! 0457 028 636. Call the normal farm phone too! 206-202-GO...
This week we go from maple syrup production, to steam trains to podcasting equipment. We need your thoughts and experience with worm bins, call us at 206-202-GOAT....
Welcome back for another week! I think the audio is better this week. We start off mentioning a few other shows that have been around for a long time: Podquiz: Ellen's Podcast:
Another step in the progress of moving to Australia has arrived. We need your help this week on two items: We need the name for an Australia section. Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. We need some new bumpers, anyone want to help? Email us,...
Show notes to come....
Please make sure to go check out Todd's Astronomy site at: This week should finishes up the farm phone calls, and what a great run we had. We still need your calls though at 206-202-GOAT. We then go through what our initial...
Took me a little time to get this show together this week but it's done! Amazing show, amazing calls!...
We would love you call to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. This week we talk about my first two months with a container garden, and then we look back at getting seed catalogs in winter and how our tomatoes worked out last year in Indiana, and most im...
We focus on this weeks show before we get back to more normal programing. We need your call to farm phone 206-202-GOAT, ask questions about the farm, about Australia, tell us how your winter is going! Misty's been here two weeks now, and has started...
Oy, we had some audio problems! But here's our first podcast from down under! Next week will be better, I promise. Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT...
Great phone calls this week, plus audio from the Australian bush! Enjoy!...
Happy Thanksgiving!...
We talk about worms in goats, public transport in Australia, wasps in the house, and various other things. Enjoy!...
We talk about the differences in internet service between the US and Australia. Enjoy!...
We talk about our week. Andrew is settling in and Misty is getting into a routine. Misty totally forgot to talk about her wonderful visit with Linda in Chicago. It was a blast, we saw two plays and just had a great time. Thanks, Linda!...
We've had a difficult time getting together to record because of the time difference. The show might be a bit different this week, but it is coming. Thanks for the farm phone calls we have had so far, and keep them coming! Any feedback on the soun...
It's late, but I got the show done! We answer your questions and talk about what we've both been up to this week, while experiencing our first few days across the globe from one another....
Andrew just sent me a TXT that he landed in Brisbane safe and sound!...
This is the recipe for whole wheat bread in the Zojirushi bread machine: So the bread recipe: 3 cups of whole wheat flour. I'm really like a good hard white spring wheat from Montana. Golden something or other. 2 eggs+milk/water to make 1 2/3 cups....
This week we talk about wells and pressure tanks, and then about ou trip down to visit Kirsten and her restaurant La Scala in Lafayette. We had a great time, and we have a fun show. We have 4 farm phone calls and have a fun show. The last one with...
We're a little behind this week since we had a going away get together last night, but here it is! Get it while it's hot, and call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
Well, thanks to an emergency tweet we had calls to the farm phone. Thanks guys! Now make sure to call the phone at 206-202-GOAT for next weeks show. Plus we need your help with this weeks questions, how to get rid of grasshoppers, and what to do ...
We have 4 great calls to the farm phone this week, from sheep farming to flying. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT or we'll just talk about moving, and selling off the farm. We finish up the show talking about the house and renovatio...
we're late this week, and we'll be late for next week too since Misty is traveling over the weekend. We have 3 great phone calls this week with some fun questions, and then we look at home renovations....
What a show this week, we cover moving to Australia to painting a barn! We have 4 great calls to the farm phone, at 206-202-GOAT with great comments and questions. We had a great call from, so make sure to g...
What a great set of calls we has this week, 8 total all telling us to keep on doing the show. Wat a fun show this week. Call the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT, Here's the bar painted....
Well, there's some changes going on her on around the farm. It'll even change the direction of the podcast. We want your feedback, call us at 206-202-GOAT!...
We have a great show this week! Great calls, and great questions!...
Well, of course it's Goad, but this week we finally cover goats! We have some fantastic phone calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
I'm sorry we were late this week. The show has turned out great! We have some wonderful calls and we go through them in detail. Sadly we don't get to talk about goats this week though. Enjoy the show!...
Sorry folks. Due to last-minute schedule upheaval, the show is going to be delayed yet another day. Keep your fingers crossed that we'll have a fresh podcast for you tomorrow, and keep your calls coming!...
We had a few set backs this week. We let the garden get a little to far and it's been impossible trying to get caught up. So we go over gardens when they go wrong. Also make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
Welcome to this weeks show! Hopefully in time for some of us, what to do with the 200lbs of tomatoes you get this week. We have 5 great calls and with loads of information and questions. We need your input so call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!...
We were tired today and we had 5 great calls so we thought that would form the show. Thank you so much guys! Yet again we have some slight, erm audio differences. The pre-amp for the mics was dead so we just used the recorder instead, though I thi...
More notes tomorrow!...
Our internet is barely working so I can't upload the podcast. I'll do it from work wose come to worse tomorrow....
This week we have something totally different. We're in New York and we do the show the old fashioned way from 4 stories up on the upper west side. Audio is a little off so I hope it works. Topics are a bit different too, we do a review of a Nokia E7...
We were going to talk about rabbits tonight, but we had a wonderful farm phone call so we talk about farm life instead. It's a fun show, so I hope you hear enjoying hearing about Alaska and how it differs from the lower 48....
Hi guys, there's going to be a delay in tonight's podcast. Misty has a concert and we just finished dinner. We would be up way too late if we started now, and we're pretty tired. It's been a busy weekend. We'll do the podcast Monday night instead...
This weeks podcast was relaxed and fun. We have 2 farm phone calls, and then we cover ducks in the farm section. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. If you are curious what an E75 look like click here....
What a show we have this week. We have an some great phone calls so we have a question show. It's been a long time since we dedicated a show to answering questions. We talk about everything from stray dogs to mp3 players. Make sure to call the fa...
Welcome back for show 171! This week we take a look back and Geese and what we've learned over the last few years. A long time ago when the show was still in the single digits we went over what animals we've had and why. It's been over 3 years sin...
Welcome to a show with a little this and that. We value your calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT, so give us a shout. This weeks show covers a little this and that, from a little tech, to some good milking numbers, to some chores info. I hope ...
If you would like to follow more day to day activities on the farm please follow us on Twitter. We've been asked a few times, so let's give it a shot. I'll try and post a picture when there's something interesting, or more mundane news that might n...
This week we even have a geek section. How long has it been since one of them? We had some excitement this week on the farm so we look though what had to be done and the results. No rest for the weary right? We also had 2 great calls to the farm...
We had Michelle (our farm sitter and friend) over for some home made Indian food and it got rather late so we're going to do the podcast Monday night. So if you didn't call the farm phone last week you have 24 hours left to get it in for podcast 169...
This year it's our 5th year doing a garden, and this year we're having some good luck getting things started. So we look at what we're up to this year, where things are a and what we think worked. It's also the first year we've had the wheel hoe f...
We look at two major topics this week, what happened to the farm while we gone and what did we do on vacation. It's a long show, I hope you enjoy it....
Welcome to the travel show #2. We have another wonderful call in show. Enjoy!...
Welcome to the first of two travel shows. This is a listener call in, and I hope you enjoy!...
Welcome to our last "live" show for 2 weeks. We'll be traveling next week and the one after. We have 2 prerecorded shows that are abulous so I hope you enjoy them. This week we look at how we how we're doing seedlings this year, and the last 2 year...
Round Up * Numbers * Goats: feeding goat kids all the milk at night (7.5 lbs) and still 4 lbs in the AM. Compromise. * Breeding rabbits -- should be due in 4 weeks. * Ducks kind of ramping up on eggs * Bees - trees budding, so more pollen * Garden ...
Hey guys, we've had a very busy weekend getting ready to travel, getting the garden started, etc. It's a bit to late to start the podcast, so we're going to do it tomorrow night. Thanks for all the wonderful calls this week! We will have two succ...
We need you to call the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT. With your help we can make two great shows while we're out of town, we're looking for calls on anything you want, and if you need ideas, why not tell us about the garden you are planning this year? ...
Sorry folks! Misty was out all day today and it's now 8pm with no dinner yet, so we are going to do the podcast tomorrow. We have some big news, and we're going to need lots and lots of Farm Phone calls over the next couple weeks, so if you have be...
Show notes to follow....
We're back outside for the first time in a few months. I hope you enjoy all the barn sounds, though it's pretty quiet at night except for Bonafide trying to squeeze his way through a steel fence. We also want your topic suggestions, so call the far...
We went out to dinner for Misty's birthday Sunday night so we'll do the show Monday night instead. Plus well, we didn't have power either due to a wind storm, and I'm not sure if the drone of a generator would be the perfect accompaniment to the sho...
Well what a week. We're up 3 goats, and one is inside to boot. We have 3 great calls and an email, then we look over our maple syrup adventures and then we look at caring for sick goats. Make sure to call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT! I'll get ...
What a wonderful show, we have 8 great calls! We cover a great series of topics from raised beds in town, to zebra mussels as chicken food. After all the wonderful calls we then talk about maple syrup since we're just starting into the season. Any...
Welcome back out wrap up of our garden experiences this week. Thoughts? What works best in your garden, or what flopped? Call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. We have setup a Goat Cam. Make sure to check it out! We're expecting kids in the next c...
This week we start looking at what our plans are for the garden this year. We look back at the last few years, what worked, and what didn't work in our garden. Tell us your thoughts at 206-202-GOAT. We have some bad news this week, Cream the goat a...
A lot of you asked for it, so the contact form is back. Look along the left side of the blog page for the contact link, and let us know how it works for you!...
We have a fun show this week that went together despite our best efforts. Our pre-amp battery was dead, the ipod we use for the bumpers was dead, etc. But it all works out in the end and the show came together. We have 3 great phone calls, and the...
Welcome back! This week have 3 great phone calls that range from rechargeable batteries to mulch. We have a short discussion of propane, talk about selling goats and then look at the smoker one year later. I hope you enjoy the show, and make sure...
We have a little fun inside this week. It's cold up here again, so we're not doing it in the barn. This leads perfectly into our farm section though, when we look at how to get heat where you need it. Of course, we have a great Farm Phone section....
This week we have a great farm phone section, with 5 wonderful calls. Make sure to call the farm phone for next week at 206-202-GOAT, or you can email us an mp3 at This week was take a look at how we keep the animals fed and wa...
We have a great call in section for the farm phone this week. We still need you calls about money saving tips on the farm phone, batteries, and mantis tillers at 206-202-GOAT. This week we look back at 2008 at which me learned and what worked and wh...
So in the spirit of the times this week we talk about chain saws and how to save a few bucks. It's a nice short show for the end of the year. If you have any ther quick money saving tips call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT....
This week we have a fun show with 6 calls to the farm phone! Topics range from farm vehicles, to recipes for beets, to data plans on cell phones. Next week it's going to be pretty quiet so please call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. The farm secti...
We're inside the house again this week. It was 15f/-10c outside with the wind howling so we're inside. But don't worry I stuck a mic outside so you can listen to the wind blowing by. This week we have 3 great farm phone calls to 206-202-GOAT. We'...
This week we're inside, it's cold outside, so our ambient noise is just the house. This week we have 3 great calls to the farm phone, and then we take a look at the 3 thanksgivings we had. Pretty much everything cooked was pretty much from our gard...
Sorry about the delay, our hosting provided moved data centers to Seattle over the US Thanksgiving weekend and then promptly broke everything and disabled the website. Anyways, after a phone call and learning more about wordpress, php and magic quot...
Welcome back for this weeks podcast, a little about everything. We go from farm type stuff, to the theater. Go figure. Please join us for a fun romp through the country. As promised, URL to the Smith's Occasional podcast: http://smithsoccasional....
We have 3 great calls to the farm phone calls this week. We go from cooking squash, to japanese beetles, to barn layouts. For the farm section we have a look at what worked and what didn't in our fall garden....
Ok, we're a couple of days late, but we have a nice short podcast. Last year we tried using a different winter feed for the animals, so we look at what we have planned for this year. Call the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT. Farm phone rocks!...
Looks like this weeks podcast is going to be a couple of days late. We had Linda from Chicago visit this afternoon, and I have an appointment tomorrow night. So it might not go online till Tuesday. Sorry folks!...
Well, colour me red! This week we're going to have a good chat about beets. We finally managed to grow a good crop this year so we look at what we found out, then look at how to cook beets and make some good eats....
This weeks show has a great set of farm phone calls. We even go down under with a call from New Zealand, how great is that? We then cover some more mundane topics, like how to use all those extra livers from your fall butchering to make a fantastic...
Welcome to another show. A call to the farm phone (206-202-GOAT) gave us our topic for the week. It's a great one, and I know we've talked about it in the past, but it's normally after Thankgiving. So here you can get some ideas for this years tha...
Hey folks, here's a series of links to some of the RSS feeds for podcasts that have been recommended on the farm phone section over the last month or two:
Welcome to a late show, but with family visiting it's been a bit busy. I hope you enjoy the video extra this week as I talk to my Dad. Sorry about the crappy audio. We need your calls to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT. Call us about your new podc...
Our first mild frost has hit, now it's time to think forward to how to prepare the animals for winter. It isn't that hard, but a little bit of planning how will have you from popsicles later. But that's not the only thing we talk about this week, w...
We had a really busy day today and we are both pooped! So we will be doing the podcast tomorrow evening. See ya then!...
Hey everyone, now we're looking at something anyone can do. Making grape jelly. Grape juice is everywhere, sugar is cheap, and pectin is easy to find. Veg Variety @ Cornell -- Thank you Dotty Make sure to call the farm phone this week at 206-202...
We haven't done a walk through in almost 50 shows, that's over a year. So let's do one this week. You can find the pictures at: First Picture Just click the "Next" link along with us and you can follow along as we talk about how to use a steam juic...
Welcome to another weeks show! Since this show ends in 5 we're having a listener call in show. After the calls we take a long tour through the last week in the farm, and our grape vine and pear tree. Don't forget to call the Farm Phone either! 206...
We're back! After taking a week off we're back with a great show. The farm phone has been ringing like crazy and we have a great set of calls! We catch up with old friends and new. After the calls, the and the round up we talk about rutabaga. Th...
Hey Guys, Due to our trip to New York, which went very well, we're going to skip a week. It's Wednesday and we have a lot of catching up to do around the house. We'll see you all next weekend! -Andrew...
Well we're a little late this week, but it's all done. This week we cover: 4 great farm phone calls to 206-202-GOAT Round up: Milk is way up, garden, and fresh plantings Farm Section: The second year of beekeeping was much different from the first,...
Welcome to another great show! A big thank you to everyone who called the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT, you guys really do make the show. Ellen calls in 4 times as she tours a farmers market, which is a fun trip since you can hear all the happenings ...
Welcome to another weeks great podcast! We have a fantastic number of calls to the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT, from Rabbits, to Ducks to Organics. We then take a look at how our summer garden is producing, and then it's over to more planting. Yes, i...
Misty had a concert Sunday night, so we're going to do the podcast Monday night. Thank you for your patience! Call the farm phone 206-202-GOAT! -Andrew...
What a great romp through all sorts of subjects this week. We have a great set of phone calls to the farm phone, then we look into some bigger topics. We take a look at how our thoughts towards organic have changed over the time we've moved here. ...
Welcome to a special podcast. We have a 3rd guest, but being 14 she doesn't want to say anything. Kids. We have a great show this week. The farm phone was hopping, and Linda from Chicago calls in with a great 14 minute section on keeping chickens ...
You'll have to listen to find out what the tittle is all about (Grand Champion with a ribbon to boot). We have a great show this week, the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT, was ringing like crazy with great calls. We talk about the wheel hoe in the farm se...
This weeks show has a wonderful set calls! We go over questions ranging from kidding, to cheese, to gardens. Matt from Iowa, Linda from chicago, Warren from West Virginia, and Kirsten all check in with wonderful tales, stories and questions! Call ...
This weeks show has a farm section from in the city! What could be more cool than that? We also don't have any farm phone calls. Coincidence?? Maybe not? This weeks show is packed full of great topics, from the massacre of 2008, garden replantin...
No show notes needed for the extravaganza! We had a ton of great calls, listen to the show for all the great questions and answers. We range from home made incubators, to internet links, and back to livestock. It's a great veriety of topics, so I hop...
Hey everyone. We were out having fun most of the weekend, so we're going to do the podcast tomorrow night. We have 12 great phone calls for show 125, so it should be a great show. Stay tunned tomorrow....
Farm notes to follow tomorow! Remember the farm phone needs your calls for next weeks listener call in show 125. 206-202-GOAT...
Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT Incubating eggs from eBay, home made incubators, raw milk cheese, yohgurt, rabbits, rennet, etc Round-Up Farm – Insurance Call farm phone! 206-202-GOAT...
Bonafide hurts himself, and we talk about raising ducks!...
This week it's just the two of us and some new hardware. I think the show sounds pretty nice with the new recorder but let us know! Either leave a comment of call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT! In the show this week: Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT CSA...
We have some special guests on this weeks show! TFahey drove all the way down from Chicago to join us! It's Linda and Mark from Chicago. We have a much improved recording setup for a 4 person interview and it works great! I hope everyone enjoys t...
This weeks show took a few tries to get recorded, but we finally did. Thankfully it turned out great! We have 7 fantastic calls this week and we cover everything from goat minerals, to yoghurt, to podcasting. I hope you enjoy the show! A Premier O...
Intro Farm Phone 206-202-GOAT Call 1 - squirrel & raccoon problems in garden Matt in Ohio – sparrows in barn, turkeys & chickens together – protozoan disease (blackhead) How do we get along? Ellen – coated fleece rant! Round-Up N...
Welcome to a new episode. In the show this week: Farm Phone Kirsten on milking goats on pasture Small Farmers Journal and horse farming Libby – herding Rick – Houston – email address & wife Kirsten – inter...
Welcome to another great show! This week we revisit an old topic, our portable fencing we use. Instead of mowing all summer long we have the sheep and goats trim our grass. This is at least the 3rd time we've talked about it, but we go into more de...
Well spring is upon us, so let's take keep looking back for this show and see how the Alfalfa pellet experiment worked out over the winter. We also talk about corn, oil, food and pig manure! We have 3 different calls to the farm phone, so take a li...
Welcome back! This show has 2 great farm phone calls, and we look at how we managed to do with our dehydration last year. Or, more to the point how well different things rehydrated. Since my computer is back I also put together a video extra. The...
We haven't had a listener call in show since barncast 95, and we had 5 great calls into the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT. This week we discuss: Weather, it's spring? Sustainable living and horses Cheese waxing Lehman's store Nose to tail eating Fiber an...
We had a dinner party with some friends tonight so we'll do the podcast Monday. Sorry about not getting the video's online from .au and .nz. With my computer down this backup laptop just doesn't have the software or ompf to do the editing and transc...
Show 112 is up! I'm half amazed we have enough hardware left to get it online, but it's here! We're little scatter brained this week, so I hope you can follow the rocky road. Anyone can call the farm phone!! (206-202-GOAT) Two great calls, from eq...
Well it's been a heck of a trip, but after almost 4 weeks we have a fresh new podcast. This one is a little long, we have to make up for the last couple that were short. We have a pack of fresh new sounds from the barn thanks to Molly and Baby. I ...
It's the last in our series of tripcasts. I hope you enjoy the last one....
Welcome to the 2nd of our vacation podcasts....
We're out of town this week, I hope you enjoy the special user call in show!...
This weeks show is a little rough but it gets out there. In the show this week: Crazy weather Farm phone: 2 great calls Round up: Not much going on Farm Section: Time to order seeds...
This week show we take a look at making beer at home using beer kits. It's really easy, and someone anyone can do. I have a video extra showing the actual process, I'll get that up Monday night. In the show this week: Travels and need for calls t...
We finally had a show this week!!...
We were going to do the show this evening, but due to some car trouble it's just not going to happen. Maybe we'll do it tomorrow night, not sure. Either way we'll be back next week. Keep the calls coming to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT!! -Andrew...
It's warm enough to be back out in the the barn this week!! We have 3 great farm phone calls. I have a special request though. We're going to be out of town for 3 weekends, and I want to put together some shows while we're on the road. It will ba...
Everyone knows and loves Linda who calls the farm phone, and she drops in for a visit and a show with her husband this week. So, not only do we have great calls to the farm phone but have a great section and raising chickens in the city! The show i...
I think you can tell the vacations are over, we had a lot of great calls to the Farm Phone, 206-202-GOAT. Ben even calls us from the Pennsylvania farm show and shares tales of maple syrup cotton candy and everything he sees there. In this weeks sh...
Welcome to Barncast 100! Can you imagine, 100 shows about two geeks on a farm. I hope you enjoy this weeks show! Show 100 special Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT. Tom calls in. Round up: It's winter, maybe? Farm Section: Making Soap Please give the fa...
We get back to basics this week as we do a review of 2007. We go through all 3 sections for the first time in a long time, Geek, Farm and Life all in one show. Next weeks show is show 100, give us a call on the Farm Phone, 206-202-GOAT, and pass on ...
Well it's a day late, but we're on vacation, so what do you mean it's Monday already?? The cleanup from the storm Sunday took up much of spare time, so we just did it today. In today's show: Weather 3 great calls to the farm phone: 206-202-GOAT. H...
Due to our hosting company falling off of the internet at a particularly bad time last nigh the post went up with a very incomplete file, so here is try number 2. In this weeks show we have FOUR great farm phone calls. They take us to task, provide...
Show notes to come tomorrow. This turned into a mess, be prepared for a new post, all the files here were messed up....
Welcome back to another week. We're back to the normal show, and this week it's pretty relaxed. We look at winter apparel thanks to a great call to the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT, then we go through the round up and farm section. Winter is here so...
Hey guys, it's another great call in show. Like always we got 6 great questions. I'll do more show notes tomorrow when I put the video extra online....
We're taking the thanksgiving weekend off thanks to the Allisons who put together a great retrospective of the early episodes. It's a ton of work putting these together so I hope you find it enjoyable. Thank you very much guys. Monday night I'll t...
It's been a long day so we just decide to do the podcast inside tonight, though we have some background audio from outside our window. We have a set of great calls that really liven up the show. We really do need your calls to the farm phone at 206...
This week it's a fun show. We spend a little bit talking about the adventures we had this week, and then we go through what containers we use and why. I hope you like the show! Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT Bee school, and online magazine Sausage Maki...
We have a good time this week, there's some great calls and we have some good topics. The time change means it's getting dark out really early now, and the pigs have moved and the ducks are out so it's really quiet. On tap this week: Intro, first ...
I hope you enjoy this weeks show. It's a bit different, Heather from the Wiggly Wigglers podcast dropped by and interviewed us. The audio, and all it's warts was used for the farm section. The farm phone was really lively this week with some great...
Welcome to this weeks show! While we talk about what to wear in the barn might not seem like the most exciting topic I think it's pretty important. If you don't enjoy working out in the barn you won't be keeping animals for long. In this weeks sho...
This week we look at something really simple, making butter at home. It's so simple anyone can do it, the only thing you need is some cream and a food processor. Let us know how you make out, call the farm phone, 206-202-GOAT. In the show this we...
Well the show got posted a day late this week since I fell asleep on the sofa last night. Oh well! In the show this week: Warm weather, way to hot! Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT. 4 great calls! Round Up: Getting ready for frost Farm Section: What need...
We have another late night show from the barn! In the show this week: Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT. Great call about rabbits and eggplant Round Up: fall is here Farm: Honey, how to store it, cook with it, etc Life Section: Tractor pull Give us a shoo...
Welcome to another listener call in show! This is the 4th time we've asked for your calls and you've responded! We have a great time with the show, and we change up the format a bit. Let us know what you think, do you like the less formated show w...
Important!! Barncast 85 is a user call in show, call the farm phone with questions, comments at 206-202-GOAT or else it'll be a boring show! This weeks show is done late in the barn, most of the animals are asleep so it's not the roar cacophony you'...
Barncast 84 has been recorded, and it's on my harddrive, but I haven't got all the pictures online and everything together and online. It's 11pm and I have to be up at 5am so I'm going to be. I'll try and get online tomorrow (monday) morning....
This week we take a look at what and why we dehydrated this summer. This continues a long series of looking an at putting food up for winter by dehydration. Lot's of people freeze their food, some can, but we like to dehydrate a lot of stuff. It u...
The Allisons put a lot of work in creating a series of retrospective podcasts so that we could take a week off. Since it's the long weekend we thought that would be a great idea! I hope you enjoy the show, they cover the most entertaining/interesti...
It's almost midnight, it's been very busy here today. So let's keep this short and sweet: Pictures for the Farm Section In the show this week: Podcasting late Three great calls to the farm phone: 206-202-GOAT Geek Section: Video Extra (flash app do...
This weeks show is a little different. We've had a very long busy weekend and Misty needed a rest so I'm doing the show solo. I really wanted to do a tour of a beehive to show you what was inside but the weather this weekend was not cooperating. ...
We're back inside this week, it's just too hot outside and after working outside most of the day in the hot kitchen it was nice to sit down in the cool living room and do a show. This week we look at what to do with all the extra honey we're getting...
It must be the humidity out because this was one of our shortest podcasts. The calls to the farm phone are good, but making sauerkraut is so easy we don't have to talk about it that much. If you've never made it before it really is something you sh...
Don't worry the show isn't going anywhere, but we're looking at what animals we have and why, and how to reduce some we don't need. This is a great show, even though it inside and my voice is shot from a cold. In the show this week: Updates Great ...
This weeks show is a little different. I'm down under, and Misty is busy taking care of chores at home all by herself. We recorded this show while we did the chores on or around the 15th. I put the binaural microphones to my ears, took the camera ...
Welcome to a show that ends in 5, that means it's time again for the listener question show. I'm always a little worried that no one will call in, but I know I shouldn't be. Even though it's the middle of summer and vacation time, we had 9 phone ca...
Remember the next show is number 75 and that means it's the listener question show. Just like show 55 and 65 we want you to call 206-202-GOAT with your questions and comments and then we'll make the entire show based on calls we got. So please call...
Show 73 is a little windy, oh well it's summer time podcasting. This weeks show gets to the point pretty quick because we have SIX yes 6 calls to the Farm Phone (206-202-GOAT) and they are all wonderful calls. We liked one call so much it becomes t...
This week we revisit an old topic, our portable electric fence. It's been a little over a year since we started using it and I think we've learn a lot so we look at what mistakes we made and what worked well. We do a lot of review but if you're new...
It's summer so we've basically stopped podcasting from the barn for a bit, it just get's way to hot up in the hayloft (attic) of the barn when it's >90f/30c outside and the sun is beating down on the roof all day. Instead we're out back on our pati...
Show 70! Wow this we're getting long in the tooth. Will this is a very busy week and weekend. It wasn't till 9:30pm that we had dinner. Yikes. Well this week show is dedicated to all the hard working strawberries out there that make such tasty t...
Welcome to another weeks show! There's been some changes around the farm this week, so the round up section seems to drag, but what's new?? We're back in the barn and the kids are screaming their heads off, like normal so you'll we have some nice a...
Finally as promised here is a cheese walk through! The show really ended up in two parts, the Farm Phone/Round Up and the Cheese walk through. For the second bit make sure you have access to a computer to walk through with us. Now some food snobs o...
This has been a long week, and Misty twisted her ankle so we're doing the podcast from the ground floor this week. This means the barn will sound a little different than normal, but hopefully it works out. We also changed the format a bit, there's...
This weeks podcast is on the light side, after last weeks show we thought we would just take it easy this week. I think it worked out rather well actually. In this weeks show: Intro: Quick over view Farm Phone: Two great calls! -- 206-202-GOAT Cos...
It's show 65 and as promised it means it's a listener question show! We had a great time answering all the questions and we even had a special guest on to help! The show is a little longer than our usual so I hope you enjoy all the questions and an...
Ok, I broke the mp3 file a 2nd time today and everyone was downloading the extremely compress low quality audio version. Then the website got trashed by accident. I think it's fixed it for the last and final time now. This weeks show is pretty spec...
A little late, but here's the show notes, now that our hosting provider is online again! This weeks show has a huge round up, it's amazing how busy things start getting in the spring! Other things in the show: The weather is warmer, and we're both...
Another show from the barn on a blustery day! If you hear some new peeing in the background, which might be hard over the racket the goats are making you'll be hearing the new ducklings we got this week. In the show this week: Long intro about wea...
Well due to popular demand (just look at the archived polls) we have another photo how to episode. While out shearing today Misty grabbed the camera and we walk through the pictures discussing them. If you don't remember the first time we did this ...
Welcome to number 60! GFL will need it's AARP membership card soon. ;) You'll hear the barn door blowing in the breeze, and wow is it windy today. Is the show this week: Big thanks to John M for the care package Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT Moving ...
Welcome to another show! It's spring time, so if you were worried there wouldn't be enough to talk about, stop worrying! The round up section this week takes a while to go through, but I think you'll find we talk a bit more in depth about some thin...
Well it's been a long time since we had a guest on the show, so I'm sure you'll welcome having Tom the Beekeeper back on with us. If you don't remember him check out show's 26 and 29 (or there abouts) to hear past episodes when Tom has joined us. W...
Welcome to this weeks show! The weather great out, and Misty and I are out in the barn without a coat, just some drinks. We're have a great farm phone section, and we toss in an email with some 3 great questions about farm life. In the show: Curr...
Barncast 57 is all ready to go, but libsyn thinks we're over quota. I can't get the numbers to add up, but as soon as they fix it we'll be up and ready to do....
Well there's been some changes since last week. There's new voices to add to the show, 6 actually! You can hear at least 4 during the show. The ending this week is a little abrupt. After the mixer's batteries die the batteries on the mp3 recorded...
Well here's an extra special bonus show. While at Podcamp Toronto I pulled out my mic and got a lot of short interviews with people I could grab as they walked past. Since this is totally of topic for this show I'm releasing this a b-side/flipside...
Baby the goat had her babies today! Male: 9 lbs Male: 8.5 lbs They are cleaned and separated from her, and walking around and bleating. :) I'll give her another 40 minutes or so before I go out and milk her for the first time, and feed the boys. Up...
Babs's Babies: * Ewe (girl) - 11.5 lbs * Ram (boy) - 15 lbs More images if you click on the picture...
This weeks show was done a bit early, since I'm going to be out of town at Podcamp Toronto this weekend. We break our format a bit this week and do a listener question show. We answer a series of questions that came in on the Farm Phone (206-202-GO...
We were one, now we are two, Misty's back! This is our official one year show! Woohoo! Ok, on with the show: Misty's Adventures More on podcamp toronto Roundup: We still have no kids Farm section: all about wool and how it leaves the sheep to ma...
This week I'm all alone, but it's "warm" enough out that I'm back in the barn. Misty will be back next week so don't fear, we'll be back to normal. In this weeks show: Weather, and where Misty vanished too Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT Geek Section: Pod...
We haven't been blown away, yet. That strange noise in the background is the wind. Yes, I mic'ed the window. It's cold so we stayed inside and did the podcast from the sofa. We wander a bit, but overall for a mid winter cast it came out ok! In th...
Welcome to Barncast 51!? It seems like we just finished with the garden, and here we are again planning the garden, and a whole lot more!? Here are some of the things we cover. Jon Peder serenades us with the sweet sounds of the tuba Melanie asks ...
Welcome to barncast 50! Wow, it doesn't seem that long ago we were talking about the single digits, and now we're up to 50. That's a lot of shows! In this weeks show: We go through 50 shows in 5 minutes Farm Phone, Ellen gives us a ring, 206-202-...
Welcome to another installment of our own personal Green Acres. Well ok, we don't own a tractor that falls apart. This weeks show has a great farm phone section, and hopefully we were coherent in the Farm section. The topics: One away from show 5...
Well it was supposed to be a short show, but it turned into a long one. Oh well! Back in episode 31 we talked about dehydrating food for winter. We're now well into using that food so in the farm section we review what worked, what didn't, and how...
Not much to say as show notes this week. If you're a long time listener you'll enjoy a recap of the last year, if you're a new listener it's a great way to find out what we've been talking about. We then go over what went well, and what went bad. P...
This weeks podcast is a bit of a change from the normal. We just talk about our podcast setup and christmas around the farm. it's the first podcast ever to no include a farm section! Thoug there's a round up, so don't worry you'll still get your fa...
We have some special music for this podcast, I hope you enjoy it! This weeks topics: Weather, as always Farm Phone 206-202-GOAT: Gloves, and what would we do differently Geek Section: More Rural Internet Farm Section: Lactation curve Life: Christma...
We're back in the barn this weekend. The weather cooperated and it's a great day out. This weeks cast covers a ton of topics so I hope you enjoy it: Sledge hammers and snow! Farm Phone: How does butchering rabbits compare to ducks? Book: Basic Buc...
Sorry about the late post, but our internet connection was basically dead all weekend so I couldn't get the show uploaded. The wind was causing the dish to wobble around too much. Oh well, we'll talk about it as part of our geek section next week. ...
We have a special guest this week so came and listen! It's the first time we've had a 3rd person on the show in person! This weeks topics: Farm Phone! 206-202-GOAT Round up: pigs, bees, shadow Farm Section: Thanksgiving Life Section: Travels and v...
It's an supplemental podcast! We got several requests about how to BBQ a turkey. I have a special guest on, and the audio isn't great but it's nice and short. Have a good thanksgiving!...
Welcome to our 41st podcast! This week show is part normal show and part request show. The first part of the show is: Welcome, and intro Farm Phone, 206-202-GOAT: Wool and Citrus trees Round Up Farm Section: Hog make a break for it! Life Section:...
The barn is alive with noise again! We're preparing for winter and in the first time since April almost everyone is back in the barn again. In this weeks show: Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT India - Write in Tiffany - Whacky things PodChef Dave - More W...
This is the first podcast of the month so it's an interview podcast! We have Caroline join us this month. She's called on the farm phone before and provided a barn tour so you might remember her. She lives on a small farm, raises alpacas, goats, a...
This weeks show is back in the barn! There aren't many animals around though, but the turkeys, ducks and shadow (the barn cat) the barn are still noisy enough to keep up the ambient noise. In this weeks show: Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT Ellen calls i...
Welcome to another great show! We're inside for only the 2nd time in the show. We were tired, it was late, so it is what it is. The podcast is under 50mins this week! This weeks: Jon P for the Farm Phone Geek Section: How Misty and I met Farm S...
This weeks podcast is from the straw loft in the barn. We cover a lot of different topics this week and they include: Thanks to Matt & AJ Farm Phone: 206-202-GOAT (4628) Why did we decide to move? Another method of tracking what's in a deep freeze ...
It's the first podcast of October so that means it's an interview! This week we have a rather long, but fun talk with Matt and AJ from They more from the UK to Nova Scotia to start a more simply life. We had a great time talk...
Welcome to this weeks podcast. We're out in the barn, and a thunderstorm hits in the middle of the podcasts. Our mics have pretty strong base roll off, so that weird rumble you hear at times is thunder. On this weeks podcast: Fall Harvest Hello t...
This is a really special episode, Caroline takes us for a tour of her barn while she's milking. What could be better than the sounds from a strange barn??? In this weeks show: Dave from Chub creek sends us the opener John G and his peppers and win...
Welcome to episode 32! We're up in the barn this week since the wind out since is picking up. It's normally pretty windy here in the fall so I guess it must be fall time. :( This weeks topics: Dedication to Rob Levin aka Lilo. Farm Phone! Call ...
We're back in the barn this week, and it's rather quiet out. It's a good show and we cover a good set of topics. The Farm Phone was really lit up this week, and we have great feedback, and Tom answer a bee question. The topics this week: John G's...
What a great show this week! We have Tom the bee keeper back to answer some of your questions. The show is extra long, but over all we spend about 40 minutes talking about bees, and every minute is worth it. What a great animal! This weeks list: ...
We're having Tom the Bee keeper back on the show this Saturday the 2nd and we want YOU to ask some of the questions. Please call in questions to the Farm Phone at 206-202-GOAT (4628)....
Welcome back! This weeks show is a blast, we have on tap: Listener John M has a flicker account with awesome pictures Science Friday did a piece on local food. Caroline on the Farm Phone, 206-202-GOAT Round up! Focus on an Animal: Rabbits Running...
This week the show is brought to you out in the woods with a fire crackling away. We introduce a new segment, the Farm Phone! It's where we answer your questions, so call us at (206) 202-GOAT. In this weeks show we answer Tom the Beekeepers questi...
This weeks show is a wee bit long, and you might not want your kids to hear the life section. Don't blame us, blame my uncle, uhuh. In the show this week: Thank you to Tom Wiggly Wigglers Mid summer vegetable garden update, success and mistakes Co...
This weeks show has a guest, Tom who's a Wisconsin bee keeper. I'm sorry about some of the phone call quality, we were having some internet troubles. But the content we really enjoyed. This weeks show: Introductions Thunderstorms. Lighting pictu...
What do two geeks do when there's a power failure? Well a podcast of course, so this weeks show has a side B. We talk about some sad things, and then we talk about what happends on the farm when there isn't power. The the snapping starts, or wait ...
This weeks show is a change from the normal, we look back at the last 6 months and the changes on the farm. Pick your own link from Teri Def's cool site Geek Section: Where we thought we were going, and internet Farm Section: Kids, lambs, fencing,...
I hope you can hear the podcast, I changed my monitor headphones and the levels seem all wrong. If you have problems please post a comment! This week we change our podcast setup a bit, and everyone in the barn is dead quiet. I'm not sure why, but ...
Well the barn was hot hot, so we have a rough start. Add onto that the new mixer on loan from Caroline and well things went how they went. Well I won't complain too much, it is what it is. In this weeks show: Hello to Jon and his pictures. How to ...
We're back in the new redecorated barn. Come see what's changed. This weeks topics: Listener feedback Buckeye Outdoors Training Log Site Request for feedback on portable mixers Hay Sound Seeing: The drive-in Request for feedback We really do need...
This weeks adventure comes to you from the barn podcasting on Canada day. We're both in town this week so it's a couplecast again. This weeks topics: Feedback from John M and John G. Audio comment from Bruce Murray of the Zedcast. Talk about PAB...
John M. is a dairy farmer who lives in Scotland. He says: Great podcast ! Love Misty's accent.I listen to your show on my iPod while milking 180 holsteins. I live on a farm in Ayrshire Scotland. He sends me some really amazing pictures of animals, ...
Any bets on whether this episode gets published correctly? Misty goes solo while Andrew is at Podcasters Across Borders. Topics discussed include: Misty's work project - finished PodProducer software Subversion version-tracking system The garden Comp...
John from the RadioZoom wrote a really cool review of the podcast. It sums things up better than I ever could have. He's basically hit the nail on the head. So if you're a new listener and want some insights you might have missed, visit his page. ...
This weeks podcast is done from the back porch. We have a new guest, the wind and he can be pretty annoying. Oh well! The change is venues is little refreshing. This weeks topics: Since you asked Trying to get rid of internet access Farm update...
Well it gets off to a rough start, but we finally get going! The goat kids and yelling up a storm this Sunday afternoon, we weren't sure why. Maybe it was just to close to feeding time??? Who knows, anyways, in this weeks show: Hi to Scott! New i...
I'm pretty stuffed up this week so it all begins with a big cough and a snort, welcome to spring in Indiana. On this weeks show: Misty's back home Spreading Democracy Farm round up, new series Sheep shearing Goat bells Garden status Dinner out I h...
Well, Misty's out of town this week so we tried to record another double ender. Except it didn't work, so you get the audio from my end instead. Which means it sounds like Misty's in a tin can. This weeks podcast covers: Misty's travels Internet ...
Hi everybody! We now have a voicemail line. We'll announce it on the podcast of course, but for your calling pleasure, it is: 206-338-5944 We'd love to hear from you! Don't forget to let us know if you have any objection to us playing your message...
Well maybe you can tell, Misty and I recorded the podcast late Saturday night after we both had a long day so we're a tad bit grumpy with each other. Oh well, that's life. So no guessing about where the title came from. :) A late arrival was the ne...
Wow it's been a week of change on the farm this week. Almost everyone speaks up on the podcast this week, including Cleo who bellows through the entire episode. =) Topics we cover: Feedback and Caroline's new goats Book: Goats Produce Too! PHP pr...
This weeks episode is a little different. Instead of going through the entire episode taking out 20 minutes worth of audio out I didn't do any real editing at all. I just mixed in the audio clips and everything else is raw from the barn. In realit...
The rooster is awake! You can't miss him, we recorded the podcast Sunday morning so he's up and about showing us his stuff. The week we cover: Comments and feedback Our new domain,, thanks Scott! Our new fence! Seeds Make sur...
Number 11 is up! Run time is closer to our goal of 30 mins. I was down to 32 minutes, but then I mixed in a 10 minute sound seeing tour while we mucked out a pen. Oh well, I hope everyone enjoys it. This weeks show: Misty complains about Firefox...
Here are some pictures of the sausage we made last Friday, and talked about in our podcast. Click on any image to visit the gallery....
Yay! We made it to the double digits. This weeks show is way way too long. We're just trying to cram too much stuff in. Not only were we tired recording it, but it was much too long to edit. Even if there wasn't much editing. =) Expect next week...
Hey everyone, Ok this isn't a podcast, but we have two promos up. One is really short, around 15 seconds, the second one is 35 seconds. If you know anyone who might want to play it in their podcast, or if you have your own podcast and play it let m...
Barncast number 9 is up! "Podcasting from the barn at three-elms farm, with two tons of hay strapped to our asses..." Heh, nah. This week is a fun show, it's done in daylight! We talk about daylight savings time even more, man when are we going ...
Another podcast from the barn! We have a few unstable hay bales, but we managed to make our sound, umm, studio in the barn work again. The animals are pretty well manered except for the ducks who try and steal the show a few times. This weeks show...
Even though we're fiddling around in the barn at night, we managed to make a podcast. This week we look at the big change about to hit Indiana! We're not sure even we can survive it, but we'll try. We then talk about the new lambs, and then tal...
Babs the sheep had her lambs late last night or early this morning! One ewe, 9 lbs. One ram, 13 lbs!? Both are doing well. We're going to bottle-feed the ewe and use her as a replacement for Ewenice (the sheep with an attitude).? The ram will stay ...
A true barncast this week. Andrew speaks really fast, must be the extra caffeine in American softdrinks? Misty tries to talk over the animals. This weeks topics: Car trip back home Cream's milk production Wool is back! Indiana Sushi New Cat name!...
He got home safe and sound at 8:30PM. I just wanted to give everyone an update. See you at the next podcast!...
Hopefully our last double ender for a while. This weeks episode looks at speakers, podpress, goat kids and how they are doing, cream, Misty's poor car, my drive home, some crazy Canadian cuisine, and more! Bon app?it!...
Misty emailed me this recording this evening. I hope everyone enjoys it, I did....
I'm going to use this post to log info about the chores for the next two weeks. Sat PM 2 turkey eggs Didn't milk anyone, but will probably milk Cream tomorrow AM. Trimmed sheep's hooves. NOT fun, and I waited way too long to do it. Need more pract...
Here is episode 4, our first "double ender." (That sounds so bad!) Andrew is in Edmonton, Misty is minding the homefront in Indiana. We talk about Gallery, our new webserver, a broken well pump, goat kids, city vs. country, an auto accident. It shou...
Cream went into labor today while I was at the grocery store, somewhere between 11 and noon. I got back around a quarter after noon, and 3 kids had been born! While I dried them, sexed them, weighed them, and swabbed their belly buttons with iodine...
This hasn't been a bad week. No goat kids or lambs yet, so it hasn't been a ton of work. The weather was mild at the beginning of the week, but it's gotten colder. A few 'newsworthy' things happened. One of them was that I broke the well in the b...
I think Cream is in the very early stages of labor. I finally got the baby monitor out in the barn working this past evening. I woke up at about 3:30AM to a lot of goat noises. I think it's mostly Cleo making noise, but I went out to check things ...
Episode number three is out! Recorded Friday night after Misty had had a few beers, and we're munching in ice cream makes for some interesting moments. We cover this weeks animal escapes, rabbit breeding, Cream's due date, incubating eggs, colostru...
So far, we have received the following cat name suggestions: Ezra Fluffy Tiger Cello Please visit the Cat page and check out his pictures! I started this thread so people could easily respond with their names....
Welcome to our second podcast. We think it sounds a lot better. On the plate for this week, valentines day, gtkpod, itunes, goats and milk production, travel plans, how to cook rabbit, a contest, and more! I hope you enjoy the new music, it's all ...
This started innocently enough as a simple experiment, would it sound interesting to record milking Cleo? I think it does. Really, this a reason to show off my new microphones and iriver. Comments? Suggestions?...
Well it's our first try at a podcast. It may be a little rough, but we're quick learners! We introduce ourselves and talk about what we'd like to talk about in the future. We'd like to do a short podcast (15 minutes or so) once a week, so stay tun...