Barncast 12 Ummm, everyone belongs in a horseshoe!

2006-04-30 19:01:12




The rooster is awake! You can't miss him, we recorded the podcast Sunday morning so he's up and about showing us his stuff. The week we cover:

Make sure to visit the fence image gallery up top, an image can really say a thousand words.


Angel on 2006-05-01 17:39:28

Hi, just wanted to let ya'll know I really like your show. I love hearing all the animals in the barn, especially the new rooster. I also like hearing about Indiana. I live in Kalamazoo MI. about an hour from South Bend.

andrew on 2006-05-02 08:17:40

Hey Angel!

I know where Kalamazoo is! :) We've driven around it several times, and I've flown past as I head towards to Beaver Island.

Thank you for your comments!! :)


Scott Grayban on 2006-05-02 08:23:35

I knew the "barncasts" would go over good :) It gives the podcast a real home grown feeling. Glad your getting more listener's. And as always enjoyed the barncast.

Karen on 2006-05-02 08:36:25

I absolutely loved the rooster! Glad he overcame his stage fright to make an appearance.


andrew on 2006-05-02 08:41:23

Hey Karen! Maybe we'll have to keep him awake at night when we normally do the podcast. ;)

Thank Scott, I agree with you about the barn in the background. It makes it more real perhaps, I dunno. :) It's fun anyways.

Misty was very skeptical at first if anyone would listen to us blabber on about our farm. I guess that's where some of the surprise comes from. I guess when you get enough people online you'll find some who are interested, no matter how small the percentage is. :)

Wendy on 2006-05-05 05:04:21

You have lambs! squee

It's early winter here (NZ) and there won't be lambs for months. I'm envious..

Love the show. Awesome.

andrew on 2006-05-05 08:08:22

Hey Wendy!

We've jealous that you live in NZ! So I guess fair is fair. :)

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