2008-10-06 22:35:08
Normal (53:53)
Dialup (53:53)
Our first mild frost has hit, now it's time to think forward to how to prepare the animals for winter. It isn't that hard, but a little bit of planning how will have you from popsicles later. But that's not the only thing we talk about this week, we have some great calls too, ranging from grape jelly tips to the end of the horse slaughter in the US.
Call your comments into the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT
Liza Stabler on 2008-10-06 23:03:23
Happy Anniversary, Misty and Andrew! Hi, hope you're well. EEEK -- Itunes isn't downloading Episode #138 -- says it's an invalid URL. But, I can listen to it on the computer. Love the podcast, Liza
Liza Stabler on 2008-10-06 23:08:07
Never mind -- it just did! Thanks, guys, for the podcast. Liza
Kevin on 2008-10-07 15:20:23
Andrew, have you ever tried Banshee with the podcast plugin? Recent versions have met my podcast requirements well. My wife and I have had a debate that matches yours almost verbatim, she feels that iTunes is clear and away superior to all alternatives, from my perspective they're all equally aggravating. Keep up the good work, guys.
andrew on 2008-10-07 10:11:38
Thanks Liza!