2008-05-04 22:48:32
Normal (55:18)
Dialup (55:18)
Video Extra (4:37)
Welcome to a new episode. In the show this week:
Make sure to call the farm phone 206-202-GOAT!
Joy on 2008-05-06 22:21:40
Hi Andrew, Hi Misty! we are planning on being up in your neck of the woods the weekend of May 24th, would it be possible to drop in for a visit? we will know by then whether or not we will be purchasing a house on 4 1/2 acres here in Kentucky, and we would like to have a couple of sheep and a goat or two as well as some chickens and maybe a turkey. and my crazy husband wants an emu, but I'll be dipped if I can figure out why! Anyway, been listening to you for a long time, and love the show! Thanks! Joy
misty on 2008-05-07 10:45:36
An emu??? Aren't they mean?
You are welcome any time. Be aware that we are in NORTHERN Indiana, pretty far from Kentucky. :) Email at gfl@geekfarmlife.com and we will arrange it offline.
Jeannine from Pittsburgh on 2008-05-06 19:20:30
Hi MIsty and Andrew,
Great show! I'm still tearing up over Rick's call, and after visiting his web site. Rick, our hearts go out to you, and I hope that your journey across America will be a healing one, and also an adventure that you and your wife can still share in a way. I believe that those who share our lives are always with us in some way, so I'm sure your beloved wife will be right there with you, every mile! I'll be following your story!
On a much lighter note, there's a web site that you and your readers might get a kick out of. It's the 4H Egg Cam. I watched grey slate turkeys hatching yesterday, and today there are chickens hatching. The link is http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/Embryology/eggcamera.shtml
Caution, it's very addictive!
andrew on 2008-05-06 21:19:04
Awesome URL, thanks Jeannine!!