2007-06-10 22:31:27
Normal (55:26)
Dialup (55:26)
Show 70! Wow this we're getting long in the tooth. Will this is a very busy week and weekend. It wasn't till 9:30pm that we had dinner. Yikes. Well this week show is dedicated to all the hard working strawberries out there that make such tasty treats this time of the year. In this weeks show:
Thank you for listening to this weeks show and I hope you enjoy it. We always like feed back please email comments to gfl@geekfarmlife.com, leave a comment or call the farm phone at 206-202-GOAT.
We've also added a new feed if you're new to the show and want to catch up on past episodes. It's the archive feed listed on the right of the webpage.
Rural life, Patra standing up, noodles drying:
India on 2007-06-11 05:17:30
Hi Misty and Andrew Glad to see your spaghetti tree has been cropping well ;0) I tried to add to your poll, but couldn't - don't know if it's me or the poll. Have you guys listened to More Hip than Hippie? It's a really informative show about ways to reduce our impact on the planet, without being at all preachy about it. India
India on 2007-06-11 10:15:12
HI Andrew Seems it was a browser issue - I was using Explorer but changing to Firefox did the tick. India
andrew on 2007-06-11 09:20:10
Hey India!
I haven't had any trouble, I just added an answer (then went back in to the management side and removed it). Maybe it's worth trying again? What web browser are you using?
I've heard of More Hip than Hippie, haven't listened though. Sounds like I should.
Sherri on 2007-06-11 20:40:03
I'm happy for you yet jealous that your garden is doing so well. Are you watering or have you been lucky enough to get rain? We've had less than 2 inches of rain in the past 2 months and I think my garden is close to a total loss. :(
Sherri from Madison County Indiana
Peg on 2007-06-11 21:20:38
My mouth was watering as you talked about the strawberries you picked and what you were doing with them. Fresh strawberry ice cream - it just cannot be beat!
I have a food mill and a dehydrator - fruit leather - you have given me an idea!
So you don't even have to hull the berries to make them into fruit leather - that is an added bonus!
andrew on 2007-06-12 10:07:09
Hi India, unfortunately it's very ajaxy and that has problems sometimes, oh well I'm glad you got it working.
Sherri, we're only a few counties north and we need rain. A week and a half ago we had a good couple inches and a couple weeks before that. Our pasture is starting to get dry and crispy though. The garden is irrigated so it does well no matter what. A couple of years ago when there was a good drought the garden went crazy due to the high temps and water. Here's a picture of all the soaker hoses (click on it for a bigger version):
Hey Peg! You have the idea, and that's why I love it, just put them through the food mill and voila! Here's some I took out of the dehydrator this morning:
Jamie on 2009-03-03 08:11:12
I really like the farm life in England to, does look a lot more pretty in Indiana though i must admitt! Thanks for some great pictures.
AcecogLog on 2008-01-10 18:43:03
Hi people!!! I want introduce my new yearnew year foto.