Really cool review

2006-06-21 19:14:29



John from the RadioZoom wrote a really cool review of the podcast. It sums things up better than I ever could have. He's basically hit the nail on the head. So if you're a new listener and want some insights you might have missed, visit his page. Also make sure to listen to his podcast! He plays great music and his talks about Vancouver (even if he doesn't like the Oilers) make me miss being north of the 49th.


John Bollwitt on 2006-06-21 21:01:41

I never said I didn't like the Oilers! During the regular season, maybe, but I was pulling for them in the finals. It was my wife(the native canuck!) that was pulling for the Hurricanes. :p

Glad you liked what I wrote. Something new I'm trying out, and you guys are the first! People ask me a lot as to what I'm listening to, so this is my way of spreading the word.

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