2006-03-02 03:50:16
I think Cream is in the very early stages of labor. I finally got the baby monitor out in the barn working this past evening. I woke up at about 3:30AM to a lot of goat noises. I think it's mostly Cleo making noise, but I went out to check things out and Cream seems to be starting to push a little. She had a hard time standing up and didn't stand up when I first entered the pen. When she did stand up, she very slowly walked around and it looked like she was having small contractions. The kids are moving around quite a bit inside.
I'm going to set the alarm for half an hour and go and check on her then.
EDIT (3/3/06 11:20AM) - No kids yet! It was a false alarm it appears. This morning she wasn't showing many signs of going into labor. The only real sign I can see is pawing at the ground more than usual. I am a little surprised but it will happen when it happens. Maybe she will be gracious and wait until this evening or tomorrow, so that I can be there when it takes place.
Scott Grayban on 2006-03-02 04:13:12
Hope your going to take some pics of the kids